Wondering Wednesdays – a warning

Reflecting on the story of Elisha unleashing bears on the 42 children who were teasing him (2 KIngs 2:23-4), R L Stollar notes the dissonance of some of the commentaries which blame the children. He writes “If we read the story by filtering it through child liberation and child protection lenses, it becomes – instead of a frightening morality tale about disrespecting one’s elders – something very different. It becomes a grave reminder that we should never assume God’s anointed people – pastors, youth group leaders,, or celebrities – are safe people. They are just as capable of evil acts against children as anyone else. “Touch not God’s anointed” is a lie.”

It often takes enormous courage to speak out when we think something is wrong. There is always a fear that we will not be believed – whether it is something that happens to us or which we observe. Many of us carry wounds from abuses of power enacted against us – Elisha certainly abused his power. My research on shame showed me how often people blame themselves for what happened to them and it can be hard to shift perspective. Those of us in positions of leadership should be very mindful of the privilege, power and responsibility that comes with this and the reluctance of some to challenge – I have seen this too often in the church. How do we help those who feel silenced to speak out? In what ways can we communicate that we are a safe person to talk to (if we are!)? What can we do to ensure that safeguarding is core to our understanding of and practice of ministry?

RL Stollar The Kingdom of Children A Liberation Theology Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2023, p56

2 thoughts on “Wondering Wednesdays – a warning

  1. Brilliant. And the disciples who wanted to call down fire from heaven on a town that did not give them a drink… Christians too can abuse. I’m not sure I’ve always been squeaky clean either!

    Philip Tyers

    Church of England chaplain
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