Musing Aloud: what would you name your house?

This is a porch gate we saw in Fowey, Cornwall yesterday. I was taken by the design as well as the name. I confess, I have never thought to bless the weather!

As we know names are important, it identifies us, it is what and who we are known as. Especially if the name has a background meaning. Perhaps if I lived in a seaside town where livelihoods are more impacted by the weather, I might have more of an appreciation of speaking good to the weather rather than just cursing the rain and storms. I am very mindful that even the farmers have recently had enough rain, as have our water companies!

I am happy to speak well to people, to bless them, to lift and sooth their spirits. I have blessed homes and even ambulances! But blessings the sunshine, clouds and rain, has not been a part of my spiritual disciplines. I do appreciate we need to speak good to that which can bring harm.

We have become more mindful of how our actions affect the weather and climate. I can see how I can pre bless , do good to prevent certain types of weather.

As is frequently nearly quoted, “no such thing as bad weather, just an unblessed climate”.

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