Wondering Wednesdays – what are you cultivating?

Flowers labelled with things to cultivate

Another post from the art journaling course I did last week.  One of the lessons was called cultivating faithfulness and this was my take on it.  For each flower I have written something I want to cultivate in my life.  It was a case of looking at the flower and feeling inspired by a word or concept.

What are you cultivating?

One thought on “Wondering Wednesdays – what are you cultivating?

  1. Throughout my life, I have worked tirelessly in the cultivating of my desires, and there have been many. It wasn’t until three miracles occurred in my life that I realized and accepted that my desires, what I had “willed” to happen were tiny in comparison to God’s perspective. It was when I saw the forest in spite of my trees, me, that I began cultivating the only thing that I had control over, again, me. From that point, I finally allowed myself to “listen”, experience God. It too was then when I realized God had always spoken, not just to me, but to all would allow them themselves to hear. Experiencing God is not complicated. In fact, when we quiet ourselves and the world, God’s whisper is quite clear.

    So, what do I cultivate? God within and all around me. My cup runneth over, so I give all that I am given, all that I Am, to all who I meet. From everything I have done in my life, God was the only substance worth sowing, growing, harvesting and sharing. ~ Mark

    A Garden’s Witnesshttps://iamwisdom.substack.com/p/a-gardens-witness


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