Friday photo – staying close

Dartmoor ponies

We walked on Dartmoor at the weekend and delighted in watching the ponies. What struck me was that the babies largely stuck close to a parent and cantered to catch up if they got distracted by something to eat or look at.

A while back I read a book called Wayfaring and this stood out:

Before the age of three or four, children have no concept of what it means to be lost.  All they think is “Where’s Mummy?”  That’s exactly what they say when you find them  (Bond, Michael. (2020). Wayfinding.  London:  Picardor, p4)1. 

When I hear the word “lost” my mind so often goes to the parable of the lost sheep (Luke 15:3-7) and a Jesus who would seek me out if I were lost but looking at the ponies I wouldn’t get lost if I stay close and like a very young child I do have an assurance that I just need to look to find…or at least believe what is is I know, even when I don’t feel it.

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